Ally Davis
Peanut Butter Chocolate Protein Muffins

Peanut Butter Chocolate Protein Muffins

 If it's not a Costco chocolate muffin the size of my head, I don't want it. I'm kidding! The way that muffin would make me feel a few hours after eating it wouldn't be worth it, so I went on a mission to find something that satisfied that chocolatey muffin flavor without 1.) the added fat and calories and 2.) the gluten! Gluten is inflammatory for many people, so any opportunity to maneuver a baked good without it is a win, in my book.  Try these peanut butter chocolate protein muffins this week, and let me know what you think!...

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Ally Davis
Blueberry Protein Bread

Blueberry Protein Bread

Warm up your home with the delicious scent of blueberry bread in the oven - protein style! One of the things that I love the most about iHeart Protein is that it bakes SO well.  You can mix it into just about anything, and it tastes seamless and delicious.   So the next time you desire a cozy night or morning in, pop this recipe in the oven, and you won't regret it. Servings: Makes eight slices Macros per servings: ( 2 F / 8 C / 12 P )   Ingredients: 1/2 cup coconut flour 1 tsp baking powder One...

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Ally Davis
Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Oatmeal

Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Oatmeal

As the weather begins to cool off, I crave something warm and sweet in the mornings.  This Oatmeal Raising Cookie flavored Oatmeal is a high protein, high carb, and very filling! I love it on days when I know I'll be busy running errands and may not have the opportunity to have a snack or an early lunch.  It will keep you full and focused all morning long. Servings: 1 Macros per serving: ( F 9 / C 37 / P 30 ) Ingredients: 85g riced cauliflower 1 cup unsweetened cashew milk 20g oats (gluten-free, quick, or sprouted) 100g egg...

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Ally Davis
S'mores Protein Milkshake

S'mores Protein Shake

S'mores season is my favorite season! Mix up your protein intake with a flavorful s'mores shake as your post-workout or midnight snack.  This tastes like dessert so if you struggle with cravings for sweets, try this as a healthy alternative to an ordinary milkshake or s'more. Makes: 1 serving Macros per serving: (29 P / 27 C / 2 F )  Ingredients: 170g unsweetened cashew milk 130g ice 50g frozen riced cauliflower 1 scoop IHM Vanilla or Chocolate Milkshake protein 1 envelope Swiss Miss diet hot cocoa 1/2 sheet low fat graham cracker 2 smash mallow marshmallows Directions: Place first...

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