The Macro Editorial

Ally Davis
Binge Eating: How I Overcame The Cycle

Binge Eating: How I Overcame The Cycle

After eight years of iHeartMacros, I still get asked several times daily, “How did you overcome your binge eating?” Well, I can tell you it did not happen overnight or even in 30 days. It took months for me to conquer. It took over six months to realize I could fit a doughnut into my macros without going back for seconds and thirds, and I still find myself creeping my way into the pantry and treat basket. It took me months to realize I didn’t have to feel guilty about my food choices and that even when I ate something...

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Ally Davis
Asian Shrimp Lettuce Wraps

Asian Shrimp Lettuce Wraps

If you're looking for a bit of variation in your diet but still want to keep the protein high and carbs low, have you tried a lettuce wrap?  I think these are a total hack for feeling like you're eating something more calorie-dense than you are.  You aren't sacrificing flavor or substance, just the added carbs, and fat.  It's genius. Try these savory Asian shrimp lettuce wraps the next time you want to spice things up a bit! Servings: 4 Macros per serving: 7.5 F / 10.5 C / 22 P Ingredients: 1 lb Argentine shrimp (any variety will do)...

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Ally Davis
Shredded Buffalo Chicken Salad

Shredded Buffalo Chicken Salad

Salad season is wrapping up soon, so you bet your bottom dollar I'm squeezing in as many micronutrients as possible! We know that protein is the basis of my meals, but I love to be able to make a large amount of protein at the beginning of the week and use it in different bowls; it helps prevent me from getting bored. Make your shredded chicken in advance and customize veggies to your liking for this delicious buffalo chicken salad!   Makes: 1 serving Macros per serving: ( 30 P / 11 C / 11 F ) Ingredients: 4 oz. plain shredded...

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Ally Davis
Protein Pizza Waffles

Protein Pizza Waffles

This is a pizza lifestyle we're living, friends.  Don't deny yourself the things you crave, just find new, protein-packed ways to make them easier to fit into your macros. Try this on your next movie night in or any time.  So, so yummy! Macros per serving: ( 31P / 29 C / 7 F ) Ingredients: 1 serving (52g) birch benders protein mix (can sub Kodiak cakes ) 1 egg 7 slices of turkey pepperoni 1/4 tsp. garlic powder 1/4 tsp red pepper flakes 1/4 tsp. onion powder 1/2 tsp. oregano 1/4 cup water 1/4 cup pizza or marinara sauce...

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