The Macro Editorial — Eating Disorders

Ally Davis
Binge Eating: How I Overcame The Cycle

Binge Eating: How I Overcame The Cycle

After eight years of iHeartMacros, I still get asked several times daily, “How did you overcome your binge eating?” Well, I can tell you it did not happen overnight or even in 30 days. It took months for me to conquer. It took over six months to realize I could fit a doughnut into my macros without going back for seconds and thirds, and I still find myself creeping my way into the pantry and treat basket. It took me months to realize I didn’t have to feel guilty about my food choices and that even when I ate something...

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Ally Davis
What To Do When You Feel Image-Obsessed

What To Do When You Feel Image-Obsessed

  There have been times in my personal fitness journey when I find myself down a rabbit hole of image.  And it always starts the same way... I start to notice that nothing I do will be good enough.  Have you ever felt this way?  Let me explain a little more of what I mean... Taking too long to get ready for the gym because nothing is fitting quite like I want it too.  Avoiding the gym all together because I feel self conscious.  Talking down to myself, internally or externally.  Taking photos but not wanting to post any of...

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Ally Davis
5 Hacks To Help Rid Yourself of Food Restriction

5 Hacks To Help Rid Yourself of Food Restriction

Have you ever tried to “eat clean” or get on a specific meal plan and end up actually having dreams about the food you can’t eat? YEP, same here! I actually end up eating the “clean foods” on my plan PLUS the foods I crave! Double whammy!   Restriction, in most cases, can lead to feelings of deprivation and longing, which we all know is not healthy or sustainable.  Yes, we can work to change our mindset and thoughts around those feelings of deprivation, but what do we do in the meantime? You don’t have to suffer through hunger and deprivation...

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Ally Davis
How I Overcame A Binge Eating Disorder

How I Overcame A Binge Eating Disorder

My name is Quincey Whimpey and I dealt with a binge eating disorder for years.  Before I found macros, I was quietly suffering with restricting and bingeing and would torment myself over food and my own food choices.  I think it's important as humans to share in our experiences.  None of us is alone, none of us is perfect, and none of us should hide.  In today's post, I wanted to outline my experience and how I believe I was able to overcome binge eating in the hopes that it resonates with whomever is reading this. First off, I will...

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