Throughout years of macro counting, or flexible dieting, I’ve learned to start honoring my hunger and cravings when they come. This is so important in life! Being able to listen to my body in combination with having macros as a guideline has been everything to me. This is how I come up with iheartMacros Method, because I wanted to be able to stay on track with my goals even during weekends and holidays and times where I just felt “off”. Introducing the iHeartMacros Method The iHeartMacros Method begins with a baseline of set calories based on goals. I then set my...
Have you ever been stuck in a rut when it comes to your personal health and fitness? I know that I have definitely been guilty of this and of losing control of my decision making when I feel that way. When you’re stuck or lost, it can be easy to justify making a decision that may compromise your goals. For me, discipline = freedom. When I begin to lack discipline in my workouts and diet, I can feel myself regress. What’s interesting to me when this happens is how quickly I will begin to just not feel good or like...
Have you ever tried to “eat clean” or get on a specific meal plan and end up actually having dreams about the food you can’t eat? YEP, same here! I actually end up eating the “clean foods” on my plan PLUS the foods I crave! Double whammy! Restriction, in most cases, can lead to feelings of deprivation and longing, which we all know is not healthy or sustainable. Yes, we can work to change our mindset and thoughts around those feelings of deprivation, but what do we do in the meantime? You don’t have to suffer through hunger and deprivation...
My name is Quincey Whimpey and I dealt with a binge eating disorder for years. Before I found macros, I was quietly suffering with restricting and bingeing and would torment myself over food and my own food choices. I think it's important as humans to share in our experiences. None of us is alone, none of us is perfect, and none of us should hide. In today's post, I wanted to outline my experience and how I believe I was able to overcome binge eating in the hopes that it resonates with whomever is reading this. First off, I will...