If you're a sucker for an oatmeal chocolate chip cookie, these are the perfect treat. Not only do they taste delicious, but the collagen inside boosts your protein intake, helps satiate hunger cravings (YES PLEASE), and benefits your hair, skin, and nails.
I'll take a year's worth, thanks.
Makes: 18 servings
Macros: 1 bite ( 5 P / 13 C / 6 F )
1 1/4 cups oat flour (can use pulsed oats alternatively)
5 tbsp. coconut flour
3 scoops iHeart Collagen + MCT (I love the coconut flavor for this recipe)
1/4 cup maple syrup
1/2 cup cashew butter
1/4 cup Lilly's stevia sweetens chocolate chips
1 tbsp. cocoa powder
Mix all content into a large bowl. Combine well until sticky dough is formed.
Weigh mixture and divide by 18 to find serving size for each ball. Roll into balls and store in air tight container in the refrigerator.